New Blog Address

Since we just changed the name of the school, I am working on changing our blog address too. Today our content is shifting from the this blog address to the new one. As with anything, who knows what will happen! Hopefully all our readers and followers will be transferred too.

New address: http://www.wakeacademy.wordpress.comwake+gifted+04

Is There Really Such a Thing??


People are questioning sensory processing disorder? Have they talked to teachers? Yes- there is really such a thing. I am sure the doctors and psychologists have reasons for not officially recognizing sensory processing disorder as a separate diagnosis.  I do recognize they know more than I do about it but if you talk to any parents that experience this with their children, there is no doubt that this is real. It does happen often with other diagnosis (like Autism) but I don’t think that is always the case. I think it can range from be debilitating to easily managed depending on the child but they may not necessarily exhibit characteristics of other disorders. But that is just my opinion.

Here is an article from Washington Post about this debate:

The debate over sensory processing disorder: Are some kids really ‘out of sync’?

Higher Percentage of Sensory Challenges with Gifted Children

With everything I post, some people may agree or not agree and I am ok with that. But in my opinion (and there is information to support this by others), there can be a correlation between being gifted and having sensory challenges. I do believe that many gifted children have intensities can also include the senses.

Unfortunately, I do think there is a social stigma about talking about “sensory processing disorder” and its direct correlation to other disorders. But it is getting to be a more common term in education and hopefully more accepted too. It can be debilitating but can also be minor and easily adapted for when it is understood.

Here are two articles about gifted children and sensory processing disorder. I would HIGHLY recommend any parent of gifted children read it. Your child might not exhibit these characteristics but I bet some other children around you do.  Always good to be an informed parent. 🙂



Why is Sensory Processing Disorder Important to me?


About a year ago our daughter was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder- and a parenting light bulb went off. All of a sudden, I started to really understand her. There was a reason about how she reacted to sounds, touch, smells, etc. It also explained why she loved to take off her diaper, why she HATED hats, why she was a picky eater, why she was clumsy, and why she loved the tag on her blankie. As a parent, it really helped me soothe her or know why certain things were a comfort to her.

However, with the diagnosis came criticism and realization that certain settings were detrimental to her. We recognized that she needed people around her that understood who she was and was accepting- not critical or belittling her. It has been a learning curve this year for us as parents. It is not an easy road and definitely not one she choose. I feel for the parents of children that have a it a lot worse than us.

My daughter is wonderful, resilient and I am absolutely in love with who she is and not what she isn’t. She is happy and loves to laugh and smile. She is sensitive to others and very kind. I am proud of her.

PS- I also recognized the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. I hate loud noises, never loved being in crowds, beeping noises drive me crazy, and hate the wind. 🙂

Gifted Children and Sensory Issues

Anyone that has heard me give presentations or talk about gifted children knows this is a topic that I am extremely interested in researching and understanding. I am going to have a series of posts over the holidays for parents about sensory disorders as it pertains to gifted children. I believe that it is important for parents to gain an understanding to help children with these issues understand why they feel like they do or why certain things might upset them. I also think there is a range of this sensory issues- some have it a lot worse than others. The characteristics listed in the cartoon below give you an idea of some of the signs.


Here is a basic definition of sensory process and the disorder from The Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation.

Sensory processing (sometimes called “sensory integration” or SI) is a term that refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses. Whether you are biting into a hamburger, riding a bicycle, or reading a book, your successful completion of the activity requires processing sensation or “sensory integration.”

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD, formerly known as “sensory integration dysfunction”) is a condition that exists when sensory signals don’t get organized into appropriate responses. Pioneering occupational therapist and neuroscientist A. Jean Ayres, PhD, likened SPD to a neurological “traffic jam” that prevents certain parts of the brain from receiving the information needed to interpret sensory information correctly. A person with SPD finds it difficult to process and act upon information received through the senses, which creates challenges in performing countless everyday tasks. Motor clumsiness, behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, school failure, and other impacts may result if the disorder is not treated effectively.

image from:

Power of a Teacher

I love teaching.

I love seeing faces light up when “something clicks”.

I love hearing the little feet running down the hallway or up a trailer ramp with excitement of the learning that happens.

I love having students or parents years later come and tell me how much it meant for their child to have been in my classroom.

I just love teaching and always hope my students feel that from me.

~I saw this video tonight and it is a great demonstration of how one assignment can change the lives of students forever.

Last Minute Holiday Idea- Tapple!

One of my favorite AIG teachers recommended this game to me. It looks like so much fun! I am definitely going to get this for my fourth and fifth grade students. Each round is short and could also be a great time filler for teachers.

Description from the website:

Tap the Tapple Wheel!

Tapple is the award-winning, fast-paced word game that gives families & friends a rush of excitement as they compete to beat the timer! No need to spell  just say your word, tap the timer, and pass the Tapple Wheel. The last person standing wins the round!
Tapple will entertain your friends & family during holiday get-togethers, parties and more! The kids won’t even know they’re learning as they rush to tap the timer!
2-8 players
10-20 minutes play time
MSRP $19.95

Sometimes I feel Like a Hypocrite


Do you ever feel like this?? Not just in parenting but anything?

Well, I do…this weekend we made a decision to change the name of our school. I strongly believe that gifted children should not be ashamed of their gifts but taught about them. They are not better than anyone else but they are different.

Anyways- I could stand on that soapbox (and I have!) for awhile.

I cannot change that there is a social stigma against talking about or having your child be considered academically gifted.

Therefore, we are changing the name to “Wake Academy“.

Just wanted to make sure everyone knew! We will be busy the next few weeks changing everything over to the new name.